It started with a lie.
Yes, I lied to Khairil.
He did warn. He was pretty dead on.
Khairil said," You'll like my friend, he's good liking."
And in a desperate attempt to please him, I went, " No, I won't like him."
It wasn't a lie until I saw how he looked like.
We sat beside each other for sometime in a salon, yet we never engaged in any conversations.
I was blushing of course because Khairil kept commenting that we(love & me) were awfully stiff and quiet.
Somehow he was my diary, which he still is.
I poured my heart and soul to him about Khairil.
He listened.
Well, he told too.
It didn't mattered, he was there.
Sign no 2: HE LISTENS
When the idea of Khairil and I died.
We didn't.
We became cyber friends and it's with interest but it all happened behind the monitor.
8th January 2007. THE DATE.
Pras and I were having breakfast before school.
It was a Monday, oh yea. I remembered.
MI was pretty cool to start school at 9 on Mondays.
Starting school late only calls for breakfast@Mac'd.
You know how they said, if your left eye twitches it means that you are going to meet someone from your past.
So did my left eye, while I was eating hotcakes.
I had lined up the people I suspected I would meet.
The idea died through my breakfast.
Then there I was holding the pole in the train and facing this amazing guy with this sexy lips, his face hidden behind newspaper.
Dear god, what more! he was wearing this tight fitting superman shirt and his hair were of a clean cut.
Totally my type.
In my mind I was pleading.
Pleading to God to make him stop reading cause I wanted to see his face.
God listens you know. He always did.
And history repeats itself.
I sat beside him in the train, QUIETLY.
As silly as I was, I turned around to look at him when he alight because as soon as he alight, I received a msg which I still kept today.
And I'm in shock with today's progress.
Here I am with him, Muhamad Fadhil.
We dated like forever... I mean it.
He made me wait in agony. It took us 1 year and 3 months to be REALLY REALLY together.
And now, soon, in fact this coming Monday will be the day that I finally realized that this guy wasn't kidding when he said he wanted me to be his gf, A YEAR AGO.
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